Creative Living, DSNWK's residential program, strives to match the needs and desires of the individual with the most appropriate and independent living environment possible. Regardless of where a person lives, DSNWK believes in providing a home environment that is comfortable, safe, and promotes independence. DSNWK has two living settings available, Supported Living and Supervised Living.
Residential Openings Available in
Atwood, Hays, Hill City, and Victoria
Questions or inquiries about Creative Living, contact:
Scott Stults
Supported Living
Adults served in Supported Living reside in their own home or apartment, often times with a roommate, if that is their choice. The supports provided vary depending on individual needs to maintain a healthy and safe living environment while successfully integrating into their communities. Homes and apartments are located in the Hays area, Russell, Atwood, and Hill City.
Supervised Living
The Supervised Living program provides a variety of supports and services for those individuals requiring 24 hours of onsite staff supervision. The options available include, but are not limited to: supporting those persons with behavioral challenges; those experiencing medical complications, including dementia; and those with accessibility needs. Supervised Living homes are located in Atwood, Hays, Hill City, Norton, Russell, and Victoria.
Shared Living
Shared Living is a nationally recognized model for residential services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In Shared Living, one or two individuals share a home with a family or single adult’s family. The family (or contractor) provides support to individual(s) in accordance with their person-centered support plan. DSNWK provides training and ongoing support every step of the way by ensuring a good and rewarding experience.