About Us
We advocate with persons with disabilities and those who care about them by planning and supporting a life of dignity, interdependence, and personal satisfaction in the community.
Developmental Services of Northwest Kansas, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit providing services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the 18 northwestern most counties of Kansas. Services are available through community-based and outreach programs, and interagency agreements with other service providers.
DSNWK is the Community Developmental Disability Organization (CDDO) for the 18 northwest counties of Kansas. The CDDO is the single point of entry for an individual or family to obtain services through the developmental disabilities system in the State of Kansas.
The strategic direction developed by DSNWK during its strategic planning process aims to ensure that the best possible environment exists for individuals served in the communities of northwest Kansas. The goals and priorities identified in this plan are intended to give direction to current and future Board and staff members.
“Be A Diamond Cutter” - Identify, develop, and promote the personal growth and professional development of each staff.
“Be the Best Version of Ourselves” - Maximize the use of available resources (i.e. buildings, equipment, technology, financial impact, staff, etc.) to operate efficiently and effectively.
“Energize the DSNWK Brand” - Broaden awareness and understanding of the impact DSNWK has on lives and the community.
“Fill the Gap” - Enhance and/or expand service delivery models to be responsive to the needs of persons with differing abilities.
Innovation Teams have been appointed to address the above goals. This is the process of empowering specific Innovation Teams to tackle a specific assigned goal. Employees assigned to the Innovation Teams, will most certainly, depending on their goal, be crossing the paths of staff outside their team. The Innovation Teams will shepherd the process forward on what we collectively identified as what is most important. The Innovation Team efforts, in a measured way, will help us to meet the goals identified.